Tattoo After Care
Follow these simple instructions scrupulously for a perfect success with your new tattoo
Remember that:
The success of the tattoo depends on post-tattoo care
The tattoo fears rubbing with clothing and excessive dryness
Avoid listening to suggestions from friends and/or experts of various kinds. The post tattoo care suggestions are the result of knowledge of the product and technique I have used and of many years of experience.

Before applying creams, disinfectants or bandages to the affected area, wash your hands carefully with antibacterial soap.
First 48h
Wait 24 hours before removing the second skin
after 24 hours, remove the adhesive film extremely delicately and wash with fresh water and specific antibacterial soap, rinse thoroughly and pat dry without rubbing. This procedure allows you to remove color residues and any blood clots, facilitating the closing of the pores.
When it is dry, apply a layer of the specific ointment suggested in the studio, leaving it uncovered for a few hours.
Do not apply non-specific ointments of any kind, they could cause inflammatory or allergic reactions or simply not hydrate and nourish the skin correctly, in a moment of specific need. It is not a sunburn, dehydrated or injured skin, he has received a tattoo and needs specific treatment.
Absolutely avoid rubbing with fabrics, possibly cover it with paper such as Kleenex or paper towels, helping to position it on the part with adhesive from a plaster or net bandages.
Following days
A thin film may form on the tattoo, but as it protects the skin, there is no need to worry, therefore, do not touch or remove any scabs to avoid ruining the tattoo.
Always clean with specific soap once a day and apply the specific cream on the affected part.
The application must be done in the morning, afternoon and evening, for at least 10 days, the tattoo must be soft, but never wet.
Avoid clothing that is too tight, prefer white and cotton clothes to those made of wool or chemically treated synthetics which can lead to infections.
During the following 20/30 days
Constantly apply the specific cream.
Absolutely avoid:
UV/Sun lamps
Swimming in the pool/sea
Baths in the tub (wash in the shower)
Contact with animals
Perfumes, powders, sand.
Pollution, incorrect nutrition and stress can cause the deterioration of the skin and consequently of tattoos.
In case of itching, do not scratch but possibly gently hit the affected part to activate blood circulation.
The beauty and durability of the tattoo does not only depend on the tattoo artist, but also on good care.
For any doubts or clarifications, do not hesitate to contact me.

Protection from the sun
The newly done tattoo should not be exposed to the sun for at least 2 months.
Subsequently, when the tattoo can be considered healed, it will be possible to expose yourself to the sun, but strictly using a high protection sun filter, to be applied several times throughout the day.
This operation is essential to avoid redness and bruises